A year of learning

Shivani Tiwari
5 min readDec 27, 2020

2020 is a year we will never forget. Possibly for all the wrong reasons.

Being an optimistic person, I will start my experience for 2020 on a positive note. I wish that my little adventure story gives you positive vibes.

My personal experience , growth and lessons learned from the year 2020.

· Find time to work on yourself

· Don’t hesitate to take risk and come out of your comfort zone. Not taking risks is the riskiest career move of all.

· Make a conscious effort to save money. You never know, why you want to use it in near future.

· Help people with your best efforts, everyone you meet is having their own life challenges. You will get to know inspiring stories and it can be a lifetime friendship.

· In a population of 7.8 billion people, the odds of meeting wonderful people are 100 %. So, don’t lose your hope and belief in people even if you meet one very bad person. It will be a story and an experience for a lifetime.

· Love your family and keep your bonding alive with your friends.

· Don’t get demotivated by a critical situation. There is always a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

· Find at least two people, you can share everything. I mean everything, good for your mental health.

· Be thankful for your wonderful friends. Not everyone has the same privilege.

· It is ok to be not ok and feel vulnerable. Cry if you need to let something go.

· Embrace new changes, it comes with challenges but helps you shape in a good way.

· Your patient has the power to heal your anxiety.

· Exercise and eat healthy food. It makes you stronger physically and improves your mental wellbeing.

If you are interested in knowing the adventures journey, continue reading.

Before Corona

It all started with excitement to start my EMBA journey in Jan 2020. The feeling of going back to school was nostalgic. I was planning to do my master’s from the last couple of years, but it was getting postponed due to several reasons.

The day came, I arrived in Paris. The magical city. I met a wonderful cohort. I was so happy and at the same time a bit uptight (being a mix of introvert (60) extrovert (40)) to think that I have to start it from scratch and come out of my comfort zone to make good friends and find my homies. It was also the time, in Europe, they started to talk about Coronavirus and how it is only affecting Asia. For common cold and cough, we were teasing each other that you have corona.

Then came to a second phase — even the toughest one- Coronavirus was already spreading everywhere, and I needed to leave the country which I called my home for 11 years and have spent my 20s and early 30es. You can relate if you know what I mean.

It was a mixed feeling. I was very excited to celebrate my birthday (29th Feb) which I did with the best people. I left for another country; I want to make my home for other years…

After corona

Uncertain and unprecedented time era. Coronavirus is everywhere. I was already in Europe. I packed and unpacked several times. After making a few flights change, I finally arrived home. My parents were very happy and so were I.

Being away from home for 19 years (I only went for short vacations) made me appreciate this time more with family, connecting with my little nephew and nieces.Best time spent with my parents where I could take care of them in the pandemic situation.

After 2 months I started to feel a bit anxious. I felt so many mixed emotions as the days were passing. What am I doing with my life? What I thought and how I am spending it? Am I even learning anything? Am I losing my touch with the corporate world? I wish I would have been working. It was a sudden lifestyle change.

Corona waves continued…

After 5 months, finally, I could fly.I was delighted. My first-day experience in Paris was one of the lowest points in my life. One bad decision, but hey bad decisions make good stories. I encountered one bad person and one good. After 10 hours of flight, and 1 day of travelling, I felt miserable. Mentally and physically exhausted but by evening I was back on my feet.

After a week and meeting new good people and their energy, I was already enjoying Paris. Now comes the challenges of all the admin work as a student in a new country. But I belong to the DIY generation. I know I would finish it.

I attended my second and third module and 1 week of major and found a support system in my friends (if you read it until here, you know who you are :))

But here I am learning, challenging, and gaining knowledge every day.

The real transition not only in job, but the mindset, culture, food, and more importantly people and I also learned about myself

· I am a resilient and calm person. Physically tiny, but mentally it is almost like a rock.

· I believe in executing things and try to find solution in complex situation. And I feel that it is important to pause , stop and think before you speak or act.

· I take time to know people.

· I can adapt to a situation with very less to almost no complain

· My negotiations only work with my family. Need to improve it.

· I am street smart and not a brilliant student.

· I like my own company, but I crave to have a meaningful conversation with people.

· I need to be more assertive

· My EQ is high

· I like adventure and travelling gives me energy and joy.

· I take risks and come out of my comfort zone and challenge myself personally and professionally.

Now , It’s been 4 months in Magical city Paris. I look forward to 2021 and a new year full of learning , discovering and continuous adventure.

As Henry Ford said — “Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

Cheers to a new year of learning and getting younger.

I wish you all a very happy new year. It’s time for me to make a list with my friend for 2021.

Note * I drafted this on my way from Paris to Rome with 5 other strangers in a car for 18 hours of road journey. And thinking about Rome and my next assignment.

